Buying With Student Loans: Do You Still Qualify And How You Can Get That Back

Attention Realtors!
When guiding your clients through the home-buying process, it's crucial to understand the nuanced financial dynamics at play, especially regarding student loans. A mere $500 monthly student loan payment can substantially affect a potential homebuyer's purchasing power.
Consider this: When a hopeful homeowner is eyeing a dream property priced at $700k, that $500 student loan payment might be the obstacle diminishing their buying capability. The math reveals that this payment alone can reduce their pre-approval amount by a staggering $60k. Consequently, they'd look at homes priced around $640k instead of their initial $700k target. For many, this can mean compromising the home's location, size, or other vital features they've always aspired to have.
But here's the good news: There's a solution. By partnering with Scott Nicholson, your clients won't just receive generic financial advice. Scott specializes in structuring rate buy-downs and collaborates closely with LoanSense to restructure federal student debt skillfully. With these tailored strategies, the $60k buying power that seemed lost can be restored, bringing your clients back to their original $700k pre-approval range.
Empower your clients with knowledge and the right partnerships. Show them that the dream home they thought was out of reach might be achievable after all.


"We had a great experience working with Greg to purchase our first home. Because it was our first time, we had a million questions. Greg was very informative, quick to respond and patient with us. He walked us through each step of the process and helped us close very quickly. Greg's video explanations of loan costs and breakdowns helped us make informed decisions. He was extremely transparent throughout the entire process and shared some first time home buyer programs with us. Greg is a great mortgage broker and we cannot recommend him enough! Thank you, Forest & Kaitlyn"

forest murnane

"Greg Wilcox is a man of his word. If he says he’s going to do something, it’s as good as done. That type of individual is hard to find. I definitely will be requesting Greg’s services again when needed. Thanks Greg for everything !!"

jeff tyner

"Greg was extremely helpful during our home buying experience. He was very timely and responsive in answering all of our questions. We loved the personalized videos that would breakdown costs for each home we put an offer on. We will definitely work with Greg again in the future!"

hayley o'neill